Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We moved

Well, we did it. We moved out of our house yesterday to my mom's house for a couple weeks until we head out. Luckily she has enough storage space for all our stuff, and man there was a lot of it. We are cluttering up the inside too a bit, but she seems ok with that, as long as it's all here for only a year. Jacob was happy, he made $11, which is equivalent to his monthly allowance. We paid him for helping during the move, packing boxes, carrying them, unpacking, showing the movers where to put things, stuff like that. He was helpful, the other kids (Charlie & Henry) made $0.50 each I think and Elise 0. When we got to my mom's, they watched Cartoon Network (my mom has cable, but we didn't at home) continuously the entire time we were unpacking the truck & boxes. Oblivious.

I was so sad to leave our house of 11 years. We have nothing but happy memories in that house. We had all 4 kids there, planted all those fruit trees, remodeled the house to suit us and had terrific neighbors. We will really miss it I think. Especially when we are on the road crammed in a small hotel room in Asia and when we get back and have to find a new place to live. Ah well.

Now we are tying up some loose ends, still dealing with the house: termite tenting, touch up paint & little handyman things & carpet cleaning. But July 5th is marching closer, whether we have everything in order or not.

So far I have 3 nights accommodations reserved (no money down, just an email) for a 2 bedroom house in Fiji on the beach for $70/night. The hotel is a backpacker "budget" hotel in Lonely Planet, so not super nice but should be adequate for us. I'll post some pictures when we get there. Other than that, I've booked 2 nights in Kyoto in August and right now I'm looking into RV rentals in Perth. I think I may have to start looking at condo rentals in Beijing, just so we know what range there is.

Paul has been flogging the kids to do more of next year's schoolwork. They complain & moan, but it's gotta be done. We're hoping to eke out a month's worth of work out of them in these next 10 days. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the trip is really upon you now! I can't imagine the amount of research you must have to do to find housing in each new location. The house on the beach in Fiji sounds like a great deal! Can't wait to see photos.

    Aw, it's probably tough on the kids to do school work when the school year just ended! They probably want to get into summer mode. How did you figure out what school work they each need to do next year? Like did you get assignments and books from their school, or get home schooling resources?

    I didn't know you were moving out of your house permanently. Why don't you just rent the house for a year and move back in when you return?

    Good luck these last few days!!
