Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So Much To Do, So Little Time

This is what I did yesterday. I made breakfast (eggs, sausage & toast) for my kids and took the boys to school before 8am. Elise and I went to Target, then I dropped her at preschool at 8:30am. I picked up Paul’s dry cleaning, dropped it at home, then went and picked up Henry at school at 9am for a dentist appt (he had a cavity) at 9:30am. 10:40am we were at Costco, picking up prescriptions for anti-malarial drugs and antibiotics for the trip. As we were leaving the Costco parking lot, my mom called and needed a ride from the mechanic’s (her car needed a brake job), so I picked up Elise from preschool at 11:10am (20 minutes early), then got my mom by 11:35am and brought her back to my house to have lunch. After a quick lunch, I went through the mail & cleaned up around the house (we were having a showing for potential renters coming at 3pm), then took Elise to swim class at 12:30pm. I swam laps while she was in class. We showered there and by 1:30pm we were at Trader Joe’s for milk and eggs, among other things. 2:15pm I picked up Jacob & Charlie from school. After getting home at 2:35, I took my mom back to the mechanic’s to pick up her car. As soon as I got home at 3:15pm, I scooped up the kids to go to a 3:45pm appt to get the first of our japanese encephalitis vaccines (we need 3 shots). That appt took us 2 hours. When I got home at 6pm, I made us dumplings for dinner and the boys ate, then left with Paul for swim class at 7pm. Ridiculous.

We are close to renting out our house, so that is good. 3 families are interested, so we will pick this week. We will move to my mom’s house in about 3 weeks.


  1. Has anyone else told you guys how much they can't wait for you to leave? Ha ha. That sounds weird, but it's 100% true. I can't wait to hear about your adventures. It's like that website, or that movie... UP (made me cry!). Okay, gotta get back to work.

    BTW - You're going to miss comic-con again!

  2. Okay... sorry, I don't understand how you can get so much done in a day. I just woke up and I'm heading into work now.

  3. I found this cool website of oddities from around the world, would be cool to check out some of them in your travels (if you're near by)...

