Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday in Nicaragua

We are in Granada now, Nicaragua. We flew in late last night from Belize and got a rental car, then drove here. Granada is about 30 miles from Managua, where we flew in. It’s Easter Sunday, so we will go to mass at the beautiful cathedral here in town at 5pm today but it will be in Spanish, so I’m not sure how long we can stay with our fidgety kids. Poor Henry threw up 3 times last night and Elise threw up this morning, so today is a “rest” day for us. Paul splurged and we are staying in a “4 star” hotel here (that is a relative term, it’s a nice hotel definitely, but not exactly 4 stars by western standards) for $140/night. It’s the most expensive accommodations we will have on this trip I think. But we need it, since the kids are sick. I hope Elise feels better tomorrow. Henry is ok now. I think it may have been the water, we drank from the drinking fountain in Belize’s airport before we left yesterday, that was the only water we drank from the tap the whole trip and now 2 kids are ill. So we will have to be more careful. Jacob had diarrhea twice in Belize, which we never could pinpoint what that was from, since we all ate pretty much the same food, but maybe he’s just more sensitive or something. Is this too much gross information for you? Ha-ha.

Well we had a yummy American breakfast with eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns, pancakes and fresh juices and coffee and it only cost $25 for the 6 of us. That was a pleasant surprise. Things are cheaper in Nicaragua. Granada is very pretty. Colonial buildings painted in bright colors, cobblestone streets, pedestrian squares. There are horse drawn carriages too, from the central square that we can take for $20/hour. We will have to find a guy that speaks English though, they all approached us in Spanish and we were hoping for a guided tour during our hour as we went around the city. If Elise wakes up and feels better, we’ll do the carriage ride today.

Paul just got back from getting his Nico haircut and shave. $5 for the whole thing. When the straight razor came out for the shave he was just hoping that the lady holding it didn't have a 20 year old grudge against Americanos.

All in all we have been very pleasantly surprised that Nicaragua has been much more accessible and developed than Belize.


  1. That picture of Paul is hilarious!!! I would not trust anyone to shave me with a straight razor...or any razor for that matter. Razors have become very cheap and electric razors are even more convenient. I know it was a right of passage to manhood in the old west to go into a barber shop and get a shave but...that was the past. You should have put Jacob in a seat next to Paul to show a-"like father-like son" right of passage manly pose.

    I am sorry the two younger kids got sick. I hope they are feeling better and that you can continue exploring Nicaragua.

    I am glad you are setting up this site so I can find you and try to catch up and travel with you on some of your travel legs.

  2. oh you guys started your around the world trip already? I thought you guys were starting that next fall or in the summer?

  3. Oh, we're on our "practice trip". We're in Central America for 3 weeks. We pulled the kids out of school for 2 weeks and the last is their spring break from school. We were in Belize for 2 weeks and just got to Nicaragua. We'll be back in the States on Monday. Any suggestions on our blog? Too boring?

  4. Nice pictures and I'm glad to see the blog. Are you going to any other countries besides Belize and Nicaragua? Hope the kids are feeling better. How do they like the traveling so far? Are they interested in the different architecture, food, landscapes, etc?

  5. You guys are troopers! Vomiting in foreign lands, what could possibly be yuckier, okay, I can think of lots of gross things! Hope everyone is feeling better soon. Perhaps this will build up the kids resistance to everything nasty in foreign water, at the very least it will teach them to appreciate our own very fine water. What spoiled people we are! Girls and grandma return Friday. I am going to be happy to have them back. The house is way too quiet and empty. Makes me happy to have a small house full of children. Nothing new here. We are thinking of all of you. I'm glad Nicaragua is turning out to be a good place to visit.
    Love to all of you- love the blog idea Deb, and the name :)

  6. Welcome to blogosphere. Love the name of your blog. Hope the kids feel better soon.
